He Wants to Show You What He Can Do!
By Alexandra Copeland
In Matthew 21, Jesus
Christ cursed a fig tree, and to many people this seems a
very curious thing. One morning, he was returning to
Jerusalem with his crew of disciples, and he noticed this
fig tree beside the road. He was hungry and went over to see
if there were any figs on it. There weren’t any. There were
only leaves. When Jesus saw this, he cursed the tree and
said, “May you never bear fruit again!” Many find this curious
because of what they know about growing and harvest seasons. It was not
the season for the fig tree to produce fruit, so many people
don’t understand our Lord’s expectation. But we must know
that our Lord is perfect in every way, and he never makes a
mistake. This means you and I must study a bit further, so
that we understand a little bit about the background of why
he did what he did in this record. When we do, we’ll also
understand more of the amazing truth of what he wants to do
in our lives as well.
The fruit of fig trees
typically appear before the leaves. The premature fruit is
green and blends in with the leaves until it is almost ripe.
So, if a person sees the leaves on the tree, quite naturally
they’d assume fruit is present, even if it’s not readily
visible. It is also worth noting that fig trees would
produce fruit even when it wasn’t in the typical growing
season. So this tree was not going to prove fruitful in the
present nor in the future. It was taking up space and
nutrients needlessly. The evidence of this particular fig
tree having leaves and no fruit was proof positive that it
was living with death inside of it. Jesus spoke forth the
nature it was hiding. He spoke truth, and the tree withered
and died. Being physically alive but spiritually dead was
representative of the condition of his people during that
time. It also speaks to the spiritual condition of those
today that are professing to love Jesus Christ, but really
have no relationship with him.
The relationship that
God desires with us represents everything He created us to
be. Genesis 1:26 tells us that we are made in His image, and
we were created to be like Him. Just as a good parent hopes
their children will learn lessons and use them to do well in
life, God expects the same. He created us from His very own
essence. He took from Himself and wove His spiritual essence
into our existences. His desire is that we will learn
spiritual lessons from Jesus Christ and use spiritual wisdom
to do well in the life He’s given us.
This becomes even more
paramount as we learn how incredibly challenging life can
be. We have an enemy, satan, who is combating the liveliness
that Christ has made available. Jesus told us in John 10:10
that the devil is a thief who desires to kill, steal, and
destroy; this is who he is and what he wants to do to the
believer. One of the ways that the enemy tries to destroy us
is by blinding us to the Word of God; he does this so that
people will remain like the fig tree that Jesus cursed. This
is a person that looks the part of Christ-liveliness, but
there’s no inner connection to Christ at all; and there is
no production of real and lasting fruit.
Jesus Christ tells us
in John 14:6 that he is the way, the truth, and the life. He
made it possible for us to be connected to God, so that we
would come alive spiritually AND eternally. God commands us
in Galatians 5:16 (NLT), “So I say, let the Holy Spirit
guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful
nature craves.” He tells us to live by the Spirit
because we are in partnership with God through the Lord
Jesus Christ. God is God all by Himself. He doesn’t
need anything in order to be more than what He is. He’s all
powerful, all knowing and magnificent in every way. It is
because of His overwhelming, unconditional, and never-ending
love that He wants to partner with us.
We don’t do the heavy
lifting in life, God does, if we’ll let Him! He tells us in
Ephesians 3:20 that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly
above all that we could ever ask or think, but it is
according to the power that we allow to operate in our
lives. God wants to show us what He can do through us by the
power of the Holy Spirit that lives within. He wants to
receive the glory from our victories, because He deserves
it! This is His delight.
In and of ourselves, we
can’t do anything. Jesus Christ said in John 15:5(NLT),
“Yes, I am the vine; you are the
branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will
produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.”
The fig tree couldn’t do this; it couldn’t produce fruit and
therefore had to die. But with you and I, it’s a different
story. Jesus Christ came that we might have life and have it
more abundantly. Our faith in him will help us to overcome
any adversity, and our love and commitment to him will
produce much fruit. ■
Scripture quotations marked (NLT)
are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation,
copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House
Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights
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