God’s Green Light to Proceed


Choosing the right person as our marital partner is one of the most important choices we make in life. This is the person that will walk with us through all the ups, downs, turns and twists that come with being on this planet. Relationships are like every single other thing that God has created, they have a purpose, and they have a purpose that He has ordained. Everyday life teaches us that when something is not employed or used in accordance with the purpose for which it was created, that thing will malfunction or cease to be as useful as it should and could have been. Maintaining a successful relationship has certain requirements, and one of its most important requirements is that we respect its purpose.

Most of us understand that good relationships are a blessing from God, but we sometimes fail to consider how important they are to our walk in Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:18 that the hearts of believers would be flooded with light. This light of insight and revelation will help us understand the hope God has given to those that He has called. Relationships are a part of this package. They help us to remain fueled in the hope of Christ as we continue on this journey. They help us understand more and more about our call as we seek to fulfill it. These are just a couple of the reasons that relationships are so important to our lives, and it is a big mistake to pursue them without seeking God first.

Jesus Christ reminds us of this in Matthew 6:33(NLT). He tells us, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” We should be mindful to invite God into all our affairs, because He will not overstep and impede our decision-making agency in any way. God will not force His way into our lives. It is up to us to extend Him an invitation through Jesus Christ. It requires us to humble ourselves and recognize how desperately we need His intervention. We need God’s counsel and wisdom, and when we ask Him to take the lead, we must show a willingness to follow where He guides us.

We should not think in any respect that God keeps us from determining our own futures, because He does not. His delight is to help us connect with Him through Christ so that we can be His people, He can be our God, and therefore we can remain in His care and provision. God is sovereign. There is none like Him, and to remain in His care, we must honor who He is, because He always honors who we are, and He does it in the most extraordinarily wonderful way. He’s spoiled us through Jesus Christ by giving us the same rights and privileges as His only begotten Son. He will never retract these gifts, because Romans 11:29(NLT) declares, “For God's gifts and his call can never be withdrawn.”

The truth about our journey on earth is that we have an enemy, the devil, and he shows no mercy in his attacks. Jesus Christ told us in John 10:10 that the enemy is in the earth only to kill, steal, and destroy. We don’t need anyone to tell us that one of the things the devil hates most is God’s Will and Word, because God’s Will and Word tells us of the enemy’s ultimate demise. Since you and I are a big part of God’s Plan, the enemy will stop at nothing to tear us down. This is why we see such attacks on marriages and families, because the family unit is essential to the movement of God’s Plan.

And not only this, God established the relationship between a man and a woman as the foundation for the human experience that He has ordained. The marriage of Adam and Eve started it all. It cements in our understanding that the marital union is the most important partnership of all human to human connections. Because the significant relationship between a man and woman is such a building block to God’s Will and to living a successful life, we can’t afford to leave it to chance. Connecting with the person that has God’s stamp of approval should be one of our most important endeavors. We should make absolutely sure that God has given us a green light to proceed with partnering with someone, and we should do this before we dive in with a serious emotional investment.

We should never want for ourselves what God doesn’t want for us. Jesus Christ informs us that if we seek God first in all we do, blessings will be added to us. From this we can be assured that a solid and meaningful relationship with the right person will spring forth from our solid and meaningful relationship with God. The purpose of marriage is to teach us more about the Father’s love through Christ, and to glorify Him as He blesses us through our spouses. Our Heavenly Father desires intimacy with us and marriage allows us to see a depth of intimacy that we would not comprehend without it. So, lets respect the marital relationship. God has ordained it, and it’s good for us. When nothing is more important to you than honoring your relationship with God in Christ through praying often, studying His Word daily, and coming into His presence with worship and adoration, you are seeking Him first. When this is a habit in your life, you’ll recognize God’s green light, and He will bless your significant relationship and cause it to flourish.■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. 

“God’s Green Light to Proceed”, written for Christian Encouragement and Inspiration© 2021. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


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