Shifting to Your Destined Position
Many people are very worried by the condition of our world today. It’s on the minds of those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and those that have not yet come to know Him as their personal Savior. For many, the challenges are unprecedented. People are being told to just hold on to their faith, but many of them didn’t have a strong faith to begin with. They have doubted the power of God, and when things in their lives were going okay, this wasn’t an issue for them. But we are in a time where the things we counted on to hold us up are failing. They are disintegrating before our very eyes. Institutions and systems that have made the world move at a frenzied pace are showing how vulnerable they truly are. It is so very important that we know and understand that even though crazy things are happening all around us, God is still on His throne. He promises in Isaiah 49:23 that those who put their trust in Him will never be put to shame.
Throughout His Word, God gives us strong warnings about making other things the center of our focus and turning our backs on Him. It has been humanity’s problem for a very long time. We have a hunger in our souls for God, but satan convinces us that only what he offers and tempts us with can satisfy our hunger. We are led to believe that other things can bring us fulfillment and happiness, and we are often surprised to learn that fulfillment and happiness flows from within outward, not from outward within. The single person that has been unmarried longer than they expected is convinced that meeting their future spouse will fill their cups. The poor person believes that more money will solve all their problems, and the insecure person believes that body or facial augmentation and external aesthetics is the key to feeling good about themselves. There’s a place within all of us that feels empty, and we perceive that the answer to filling the hole can be found outside of Jesus Christ, but it cannot.
God tells us in 1Thessalonians 5:23(NLT), “Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.” In this verse, Heavenly Father tells us that there are three components to our make-up. We are spirit, soul, and body, and all three are to be in harmony and unity with God’s purpose. We were created by God to walk hand in hand, in partnership with God, as He guides us through the agenda for our being that He has set. If we have missed the mark on this in any way, there will be disharmony and disunity within our own being. The blessings of God seem out of our reach, because we are ignoring the cry of our own internal selves. In truth, we hunger for God. We hunger for His love. We hunger for His order, and we hunger for the fulfillment of that thing for which we were placed on this planet.
Nothing about us is random. We belong to an on-purpose God that has created an on-purpose people. We are witnessing in real time what happens when people don’t pay attention to the call of God. They try to chart their own way, and this is a futile strategy. It is important for us to know that even though things around us seem to be corrupting and failing, we don’t have to corrupt and fail with them. Jesus Christ said in John 14:6 that he is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through him. Jesus Christ made the way for us when he gave his life on the cross and died for our sins. He paid the highest price that could be paid, so that a way to victory could be made for us in life.
You might think to yourself, “How can I not think about all the craziness in the world? How can I not be worried about everything that is going on?” God’s commandment to us in Philippians 4:6(NLT) is, “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Instead of worrying, He tells us to look up, and keep on looking up! All of us are at a very pivotal space in our sojourn on earth, and an extremely important choice is before us. Either we will turn to Jesus Christ, give our lives to him, surrender totally, and make a greater commitment to stand on God’s Word, or we will let our fears keep us separated from the blessings God wants to give us.
Yes, things are very challenging, and you may be facing situations you never thought you’d have to face, but your destiny is calling you. There is no question that this is a season of shaking, but you must serve your purpose and use the shaking to make a shift. Prior to the pandemic, many people were bursting with plurality, yet they would not give God the glory or thank Him adequately for His blessings. Instead of rejoicing in Christ during the good times, they still complained and refused to set their house in order. We no longer have the luxury of having one foot in the door and the other outside of it. We must grow to a level of spiritual maturity that the Apostle Paul attained and spoke of in Philippians 4:12-13(NIV). He said “12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
There have been many seasons where folks have been bursting at the seams with materiality and abundance. We have been wasteful and didn’t use our resources to care for “the least of these” as well as we should have. Like all seasons, those seasons of bursting at the seams will come to a close. The end of a season signals the beginning of a new one. This is upon us now. New teachers and advancers are being honed by God. They will advance His agenda in the earth, and many of those who might resist the purpose and work of these individuals will find themselves outpaced. None of us can stop God’s Will from achieving what He has purposed. Where three thousand have refused to put off stubbornness and apathy, five thousand stand in the wakes to champion the work of Christ. Heavenly Father invites us to make a shift and come on board. Newness awaits!
We need to brace ourselves. Tough medicine is needed, because many of us have traveled a far distance from the intimacy our Precious Heavenly Father desires with us. Not everything we see and hear is going to tickle our senses. This new season is one of spiritual growth, and with growth there is some level of discomfort. For years we’ve had our own agendas. We were used to doing things a certain way, and the change that has been forced upon all of us today was nowhere in our view; we didn’t see it coming. But we’ve got to cast discomfort aside and get braced to fully tap into the Will of God for our lives. He will help us as we realign our thoughts, conversations, attitudes, and behaviors. We must become the person God has destined us to be, a person that is fully persuaded in His goodness, mercy, and grace.
We are not alone. God has not left us, nor will He ever leave us. Now is the time to seek Him, to stay in His presence, and to pray for His wisdom and protection. God is looking for people that will respond correctly to His instruction, chastisement, and guidance. We’ve reached a time and place where excuses are no longer tolerated. The times are urgent and require us to listen and obey. Part of our maturing work is to prove that we can and will move quickly to shift into position as Heavenly Father tells us to. If we are faithful and trust God with all our hearts, we can be confident that we will move from blessing to blessing, because that is the only way God travels. We must not be unstable, because we can’t excel that way. We must understand that a shift is before us, and God has equipped and qualified us to make it. ■
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.
“Shifting to Your Destined Position” written for Christian Encouragement and Inspiration© 2021. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
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