Christ Authority
In Luke 7, the record of Jesus Christ healing a servant of a Roman officer that was gravely ill gives us a very good example of faith and the authority he gives us to back up this faith. The details of the healing show us what is possible when our minds comprehend, and our hearts believe in the spiritual power the Lord has given us. The Roman officer made it clear to Jesus Christ that he understood the concept of authority. If he had not understood authority, this healing could not have taken place in the way it did. But because he knew the path, he could travel it. Luke 7:6 tells us that the officer didn’t feel worthy of meeting Jesus Christ or being in his company, so he conveyed the message to Jesus Christ, “Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed.”
Jesus Christ began his ministry when he was about 30 years old, and his ministry on earth concluded some three years later. He would not have had time in those three years to teach people fundamental information from A to Z. So, in order for him to teach and minister in the way he did, people living during that time had to have already acquired certain information. This certain information made it possible for them to have a foundation of knowledge that helped them understand how he moved.
The people’s understanding of fundamental information was necessary to more fully grasp AND follow the spiritual principles he taught in those three years of his ministry. For instance, Jesus Christ said in Mark 11:23 that we can say to a mountain, “Be removed, mountain! Cast yourself into the sea!” He taught that if we speak these words and have no doubt in our hearts, but believe totally in the command we spoke, the mountain would have no other choice but to obey. Our faith in Jesus Christ to use his power through our words will actualize an authority that the mountain would have to obey. Consider, however, that a person had no concept or clue regarding what a mountain is. What if a person thinks it’s silly to speak to an inanimate object or that it is utterly ridiculous to expect an inanimate object to respond to a spoken word? If a person doesn’t know what a mountain is, they will not have the mental capacity to equate a huge everyday problem to a mountain that needs to be removed. They won’t understand the principle of faith that Jesus Christ conveyed.
There’s nothing that compares to receiving a truly life-changing revelation that opens the door for greater blessings. Understanding that a foundation is necessary for comprehending revelation will help us appreciate the timing of things. Jesus Christ came to the earth at a time when humans had secured a foundation of knowledge that would help them appreciate who he is and why he came. The Roman soldier in the record of Luke 7 illustrates this for us. He told Jesus Christ that he understood authority, because he, himself, had exercised it. He said in Luke 7:8(NLT), “I know this because I am under the authority of my superior officers, and I have authority over my soldiers. I only need to say, ‘Go,’ and they go, or ‘Come,’ and they come. And if I say to my slaves, ‘Do this,’ they do it.” Jesus was amazed at the soldier’s understanding of authority. This man linked something in the natural realm to a principle in the supernatural realm. He understood the connection between the two. Our Lord and Savior then told him in Luke 7:9(NLT), “I tell you, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel!”
it up
Philippians 2:10(NLT) says, “that at the name of Jesus every knee should
bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,” There is no greater, more
powerful name than the name of Jesus Christ, and he has given us the privilege
of using his name, but many people attempt to use it without understanding the
authority that comes along with it. James 2:26 tells us that just as the body
is dead without breath, faith is dead without the good works to back it up. This
doesn’t mean that we have to go out there and start doing all kinds of good
deeds, so much so that we have no time for anything else. It means that just as
God sent Christ to the earth to accomplish a specific mission according to His
purpose, Jesus Christ passed this on to us. We are ambassadors of Christ, and
we have a mission to achieve according to God’s Will and Plan.
God is not requiring we do everything all at once. Purpose is lived out through a full and complete life. However, if you and I are on the wrong trajectory, if we are headed left of the path God has called us to, when we should be going right, we are outside the boundaries of our purpose. This is a lane where darts, darkness, diversions, and division abide. When we are outside of our purpose, chaos and confusion have free reign, but when we begin to change course, something happens. Our intention and effort to make a greater commitment to Christ moves us in the right direction. Our willingness to obey his voice and to carry out what he tells us to will back our faith. This signals the heavens that we understand the foundation, therefore, we are ready to receive the revelation. And this revelation allows us to zone-in to the exact good work God would have us to do.
Authority in Jesus Christ is the power of his name to bring order, make decisions, administrate, change outcomes, and restore the wholeness God has given us. This is the aim and understanding that faith requires. You have to know that you’ve been given this staggering level of power to exercise in the earth, and the intention behind it is to do good in the way that God dictates and directs you to. The mountain of any adversarial situation must obey your command when your desire is to heed God’s instruction and set about doing the greatest good of which you are capable. Seek to tighten this commitment, pray more, and to strengthen yourself in Christ through studying God’s Word. Then you will witness the extraordinary authority of Christ at work, and you will learn to walk in his power in every area of your life. ■
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.
"Christ Authority", written for Christian Encouragement and Inspiration© 2021. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
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