Feeling Misunderstood
By Alexandra Copeland
Were you ever bullied in school,
or made to feel inadequate because you didn’t quite fit with
the “IN” crowd? This happened to a lot of us, and we were
made to feel bad about the things that made us unique. Even
as adults it can be challenging to feel accepted by our
colleagues at work, and even in our faith communities. For
various reasons, some of us simply aren’t as comfortable
with social interactions as others, and it can be a very
lonely feeling. Sometimes, it can feel as though we’re being
ostracized and we’re not quite sure why. The one thing we
shouldn’t do is internalize this feeling to the point of
isolating ourselves altogether. There are a few very
important things to consider when it seems we’re
misunderstood by others, and it could shed a whole new light
on how we appreciate and value our own uniqueness.
Trust in
God’s Plan for your life
The first important piece of information you should know is that nothing about you is a mistake. Romans 8:29(NLT) says, “For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.” As we get older and grow into adults, the pain and feelings associated with not being accepted can still be in our hearts. But we must be clear that the validation that all of us need and look for must come from God. We should never look to people for things that only God can provide.
The first important piece of information you should know is that nothing about you is a mistake. Romans 8:29(NLT) says, “For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.” As we get older and grow into adults, the pain and feelings associated with not being accepted can still be in our hearts. But we must be clear that the validation that all of us need and look for must come from God. We should never look to people for things that only God can provide.
Many of us make this mistake. A
lot of times we look to receive validation from other
people, and we end up getting disappointed because they
don’t give us what we need. We must remember that God knew
us even before we were placed in our mother’s wombs. He wove
a plan for our existence long before we came on the scene.
We must trust that God knew exactly what He was doing when
He created us, and He has a good plan for our lives.
In Proverbs 3:5-7(NLT), through
the psalmist, God tells us, “5 Trust in the LORD with all
your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 6 Seek
his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to
take. 7 Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead,
fear the LORD and turn away from evil.” We’re not going
to understand certain things in life, this is a given. They
won’t make sense to us, and this makes the passage in
Proverbs 3:5-7 even more meaningful. When it seems we’re
being misunderstood, or we’re feeling as though no one
understands us, we need to trust in the Lord with all our
hearts and not try to make sense of everything. Verse 6
tells us to seek His Will in ALL we do, and sometimes this
is the place where we get a little off track.
Time to get
really clear
Some of us respond to being misunderstood by others with further isolating ourselves and being distant. One of the reasons we do this is because we still have pain. People’s lack of acceptance of us is disappointing, but our Heavenly Father wants to heal the hurt inside our hearts if we’ll let Him. There are two things we need to understand to lay the groundwork for the healing God will provide, so that we become more confident within ourselves. The first piece of yumminess is that you must consider the possibility that a whole lot of people are just not going to get you. They won’t understand some of the unique qualities that make you the person you are. This is something you must accept, because again, God didn’t make a mistake when He made sure you would have a space on this planet. He has a purpose for your being here.
Some of us respond to being misunderstood by others with further isolating ourselves and being distant. One of the reasons we do this is because we still have pain. People’s lack of acceptance of us is disappointing, but our Heavenly Father wants to heal the hurt inside our hearts if we’ll let Him. There are two things we need to understand to lay the groundwork for the healing God will provide, so that we become more confident within ourselves. The first piece of yumminess is that you must consider the possibility that a whole lot of people are just not going to get you. They won’t understand some of the unique qualities that make you the person you are. This is something you must accept, because again, God didn’t make a mistake when He made sure you would have a space on this planet. He has a purpose for your being here.
The other thing to be really clear about is that you must learn to manage your uniqueness and do so in a way that captures the purpose that God intended it. Being misunderstood isn’t a handicap. It is a blessing if you know how to manage it. Ecclesiastes 3:11(NLT) tells us, “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” There’s something God has placed in your heart, and it is solely your responsibility to find out what it is. To do this, it is critical to spend quality time with Him.
As we begin to seek the Father’s
guidance and gain understanding about how to navigate our
space and place on this earth, it is inevitable that there
will be a few things we need to tweak within ourselves. God
will lead us in this process, and He will help to shape and
mold us into what we are destined to be. Pray that He will
impress on your heart how special you are to Him and be
willing to surrender your all to His purpose. Your destiny
in Christ is the most important objective of your existence
and as you pursue it, you’ll be a gift to those God has
ordained to be influenced by you. They will understand you
in the ways that matter most to Heavenly Father, and you
will be rewarded for your obedience to seek God’s Will and
approval for your life.■
Scripture quotations marked (NLT)
are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation,
copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House
Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights
“Feeling Misunderstood” by Alexandra Copeland © 2019. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
“Feeling Misunderstood” by Alexandra Copeland © 2019. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
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