When You Feel Hopeless
“And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know
how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy
Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.” Romans
By Alexandra Copeland
Probably more so than any other
emotion, hope is constructed from what we believe at the
very core of our beings. If we unpack this a little more, we
can see clearly the reality that we are far more than a
flesh and blood body. We are spiritual beings through Jesus
Christ, our Lord and Savior. Once we acknowledge and witness
the light of Christ in the depth of our hearts, we are
forever transformed by it. Our capacity is changed. This
means that our ability to produce in life changes as well.
Jesus Christ said in Luke 6:44 that a tree is known by the
fruit it produces. He said this to let us know that we are
also producers of fruit, and the caliber of our personhood
is distinguished and known by the fruit that is produced
from our efforts.
This fruit is manifested in many ways. For instance, if someone is really in touch with the joy of the Lord in their hearts, everyone around them can sense it. When this person walks into a crowded room, the atmosphere is changed simply because of their presence. The intention and commitment of this person to produce fruit is communicated even without them having to say a word.
This fruit is manifested in many ways. For instance, if someone is really in touch with the joy of the Lord in their hearts, everyone around them can sense it. When this person walks into a crowded room, the atmosphere is changed simply because of their presence. The intention and commitment of this person to produce fruit is communicated even without them having to say a word.
Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) tells us,
“For we are God’s
masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we
can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Doing good things is not only the nice deeds that we do for
others. It is also the light that we give off when our
hearts are fully immersed in God’s love. Hope is the feeling
that springs forth from a heart that is convinced of His
love. So the first thing that we have to establish is that
hopelessness is a heart condition. It’s a condition that is
at the core of our being. It is absolutely crucial that we
confront it, because God created us in such a way that we
live from the inside out, and not from the outside in. This
is why He tells us in Proverbs 4:23(NLT),
“Guard your heart
above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”
So if we do not feel hopeful in life, we have to
diagnose it as a spiritual issue of which there is a
spiritual solution in Christ.
Hope is a fruit of the Spirit. It
is an inside job, so we can be confident that we have ‘hope’
capacity. It behooves us to ask ourselves exactly what is
keeping us from letting the reality of the Spirit shine
through. We would go to the doctor immediately if we were
having a problem with our biological heart organ. All of us
know how important a healthy heart is to living a long and
strong life, but when it comes to the heart of our souls,
many of us don’t show the same level of diligence and
We don’t go to Dr. Jesus so that he can help us
remedy the problem. This is something we must do, because
when it boils right down to it, issues of the heart of our
souls will cause us to have problems in all areas of our
existences, including with our physical hearts. So, it’s
awesomely important to press into God through Christ, and
pay attention to what the Spirit is doing. Whether we
recognize it or not, he is addressing areas of our lives
that may be causing us to feel as though we have no hope.
One of the major reasons why we
start to feel hopeless is because we’ve erroneously placed
our hope in a person, situation, or thing. This has left us
very disappointed and disillusioned with life. God designed
this thing called ‘life’ to show us when our hope in Him
through Jesus Christ has slipped to second or third place,
so that we can make some adjustments within our hearts and
minds, and get back on board with His plan.
We’ve been commanded by God to
walk by faith, and not by sight. The things we see will not
last. Things, places, and people are here today and gone
tomorrow, but God’s love never fails. He is a forever God
that has no beginning and no end. His love is a wonder! It’s
infinite and cannot be exhausted. He’s more real than our
minds and hearts can fathom, and hope in Him is eternal. It
is the only reality that will never disappoint us. Romans
5:5(NLT) tells us,
“And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know
how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy
Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.”
Another piece of information that
we need to know is that the devil manipulates situations and
people to poison our hearts with hopelessness. This is done
to trick us into second guessing God’s overwhelming love for
us. When we doubt God’s love, the potential of His
unrelenting goodness is not met with our intention to
produce fruit. So instead of bringing light into a room
filled with darkness, we are tricked into adding to the
feeling of hopelessness that others may be feeling.
We’re sometimes so tricked into
feeling powerless that we can’t wait to get home every day
and peel off that happy face we’ve put on for everyone else
at work, service, or the grocery store. Our habit pattern of
sinking into an abyss of despair has bamboozled us into
thinking that this is who we really are. Not so. It’s not
who we were created to be. Adam and Eve were created and
placed in a garden of paradise. Their every need was taken
care of. It wasn’t until they were tricked into thinking
that they were incomplete that they lost everything. They
were lied to, and they bought into the lie. They bowed to
it, and all the potential that they possessed left God’s
territory and was transferred to the territory of darkness.
Jesus Christ saved us from this
terrible fate and bought us back. He redeemed us, and
transferred us from darkness into God’s glorious light.
2Timothy 1:10 (NLT) says,
“And now he has made
all of this plain to us by the appearing of Christ Jesus,
our Savior. He broke the power of death and illuminated the
way to life and immortality through the Good News.” We
have to ask ourselves how it is that we can get such good
news about the saving grace of our God through the Lord
Jesus Christ, and the power He has made available through
the indwelling Holy Spirit, and still feel hopeless. You may
think that you should be sad because of the condition of the
world, or because of this problem or that problem, but God
has told us to guard our hearts against getting sidetracked
by those things. We were warned in His Word that the world
would be full of darkness, but we are not of the world.
We’re in it, but not of it. Instead of adding to its
disappointment, we’ve been empowered by God to introduce
light in it’s dark places.
When we know the Word of God, we
begin to understand that He risked everything for us. If His
Son had failed the mission of redeeming us from satan, all
would have been lost. Heavenly Father took the risk because
of His love. We ought to be forever amazed that He loves us,
and that we’re the object of His affection. When we meet Him
in the atmosphere of His unlimited power and our unlimited
potential through it, hope is ignited. This hope cannot
disappoint in the same way that God’s love cannot
disappoint. He knew that His love would not fail, and we
ought to know it as well.
Hopelessness overshadows our
potential, and it keeps creation from responding to us in
the way that God planned. We are to be fruitful, and plant
seeds of His goodness through not just our good deeds, but
through the intention of our hearts to be ever thankful for
all we’ve received. Recognize that if you’ll get your heart
in gear with God’s Word, He’ll shift your whole life and
reposition you in ways you can’t imagine, but only you can
start the process of this transformation. Let it begin with
your personal commitment to the Father to remain planted in
hope. ■
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy
Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by
permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton,
Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.
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