Push Yourself to the Limit!
by Alexandra Copeland
Transformation for us occurs in many areas of our lives. Physically we change from day to day because we become older. Through the immediacy of information from technological instruments like cell phones, computers, and other devices, mentally we are changing constantly as we acquire new information. Emotionally we are changing as we adapt and respond to the world around us. The rate at which we are forced to change has accelerated and is increasing daily, yet some of us have refused to acclimate ourselves to it. The end result is that spiritually, we’re running the risk of being sluggish, and slow to acknowledge and respond to what God is doing in our lives.
I’ve heard some of my
senior mentors flat out refuse to acquaint themselves with
technology. They equate it to the world system, and label it
evil; and not of God. It’s true that in many cases,
intellectual and technological gains have caused humans to
become more arrogant than grateful. Humanity believes itself
to be an advanced race that has evolved independently to the
intellectual degree we see today. We think so much of
ourselves. As Christians, we would do well to remember that
our advancement came at an incredibly high price. And if we
are shrugging it off, we’re ignoring God’s call and
empowerment to go higher and become greater.
Jesus Christ is a King,
and the degree to which he allowed himself to be brought low
is almost too much to fathom. He allowed himself to be
nailed to the cross, and He died the most humiliating death
there was. As his blood was being shed for our sins, we can
never know in our lifetimes all the spiritual things that
were sewed up as his body was beaten and his skin ripped
apart for our benefit. We don’t know the depth and height of
all the spiritual transactions and events that were
completed, restored, and put in place when Jesus Christ took
his final breath on the Cross of Calvary. We do know,
however, that no one could do what he did. We also know that
the magnitude of all that he accomplished was so extreme
that it will take an eternity to reap its benefits.
Galatians 3:13 The
Message (MSG) tells us,
“Christ redeemed us
from that self-defeating, cursed life by absorbing it
completely into himself. Do you remember the Scripture that
says, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”? That is what
happened when Jesus was nailed to the cross: He became a
curse, and at the same time dissolved the curse.” Our
King became a curse and got rid of the curse against us.
When the suffering and humiliation of his sacrifice was
over, there was a sign of his divine glory; it was the
renting of the temple veil.
During this time, the
priest had gathered in the temple for the evening sacrifice,
and they were eyewitnesses that the temple veil was torn not
from the bottom to the top, but from the top to the bottom.
The veil in the temple was a kind of curtain that served to
separate the Most Holy Place from the Holy Place. The Most
Holy Place was the part of the tabernacle where only priest
ordained by God could enter. It is where the Ark of the
Covenant and the Mercy Seat were housed, and the Shechinah
glory of God was in this place. The priest had to be
ceremonially cleansed and sanctified according to God’s
instruction before they entered. Death would be instant if
they weren’t.
Mark 15:37-38 The
Message (MSG) says,
“But Jesus, with a loud cry, gave his last breath. At that
moment the Temple curtain ripped right down the middle.”
The renting or tearing of the temple veil signified God’s
removal of the wall separating us from Him. Through Jesus
Christ, God restored us to the place where Adam was before
he allowed sin to enter his mind, heart, and body. Hebrews
10:20 (NLT) declares,
“By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way
through the curtain into the Most Holy Place.” Jesus
Christ reconnected us to God, the Creator of all and the
Source of everything. Without any sense of guilt, sin, or
condemnation, we can walk right up to God, into the Most
Holy Place, and bask in His glorious presence.
The veil has been
ripped off our understanding, productiveness, potential, and
ability because of Christ. Because of his strength, love,
and power, possibilities are endless. Christ is the one that
made this available. The human race would long ago have been
annihilated by the devil. We would have been consumed by the
enemy’s darkness and taken ourselves out. Without Christ, we
are without hope. With him, all things are possible.
It is because of him
that our minds are free to explore the depth of intellectual
prospects and venture into unchartered territories through
our imagination. He broke down walls that separate us from
creativity, resourcefulness, and high-level thoughts. Our
blessed Lord paid the price for this, and yet Christians
seem to benefit from it least. Unbelievers are more willing
to breach the barriers of their comfort zones than we are.
In some cases, our children are learning more from them
about faith, good works, and intelligence than from those
who have been given the title deed to these through Christ.
This is indeed sad.
So, when we allow
things like age, fear, and inflexibility to create barriers
around our unlimited Christ-potential, we are cutting
ourselves out of the equation in the most disadvantageous
way. We are stifling our ability to make the most of
ourselves, and therefore, diminishing our ability to help
others to make the most of themselves as well. Instead we
should be pushing ourselves to the limit, and go beyond what
we once believed was possible. This is how destinies are
2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)
definitively tells us,
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but
of power, love, and self-discipline.” Power, love, and
self-discipline are powder keg elements that blow the roof
off inability, fear, and doubt. God has given us everything
we need to get better with each passing day, to live a life
greater than our greatest dream, and impact those around us
in the most profound way. This is life! And because of
Christ, we have it in abundance. ■
Scripture taken from The
Message. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001,
2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.
Scripture quotations
marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living
Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale
House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights
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