Are You Wasting Your Talent?
By Alexandra Copeland
There’s a saying amongst seasoned veterans in the
Christian community that
“God ain’t going to
bless no mess!” The humor in this sentiment can’t be
missed, but there’s an element of truth that ought to
resonate with us as well. Everything that we think ought to
be blessed isn’t going to be blessed by Heavenly Father. He
has given us all special talents, gifts, and abilities. Not
one person is without something planted in their DNA that is
unique for a purpose God has marked out. The problems we run
into is that we haven’t identified this talent, or we are
using it in a way that isn’t according to God’s plan for us.
We continue to pray and expect great things, yet we’re not
willing to use what’s He’s provided for the greatness of His
Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)
tells us, “For we are
God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
God also tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has plans
for us and they are good plans, not for disaster, but to
give us a future and a hope. It is God who creates the plan
for our lives, and it is our responsibility to find out what
it is and begin to walk in it. Many of us spend more time
trying to create our own plans than we do seeking to do what
the Creator requires. This approach will cause us to waste
precious resources and to lose momentum on this journey.
Ephesians 1:11 says that
God chose us in Christ, and we were predestined by Him
according to His plan. It tells us that God works out
everything in alignment with the purpose of His Will. So, if
we have identified our gifting, and our ambition is to use
it for self-aggrandizement and pride, instead of using it
for the purpose for which God intended it, the end result
will most likely be frustration or a feeling of being
1Corinthians 14:33
describes a certain aspect of Heavenly Father’s nature. It
says that God doesn’t deal with disorder. Order and priority
are very important words to Him; He’s a God of order. He
loves it. Some say that order is the first law of heaven,
because everything there is as it should be. Our Heavenly
Father’s approach is always systematic or ordered according
to His laws. He never violates them, and He’s one hundred
fifty million percent faithful to His laws. 2Peter 3:9 tells
us that the Lord is not slack concerning his promises in any
way. With Him, everything has its proper purpose, and
everything has a reason. So, if we’re not honoring God’s
purpose in our hearts or seeking Him diligently, we probably
have no intention of using the gifts, talents, and abilities
according to His Will. This is what it means to waste our
talents. And it is a shame because when we do this, we lose
the blessings that are tied to the gift.
In Matthew 25, Jesus
Christ taught a valuable lesson about wastefulness when it
comes to the gifts God gives us. In verse 14, he tells us
that a man called his employees together because he was
going on a trip. He delegated responsibilities and gave
three of them money to invest based on their abilities. Two
employees doubled their employer’s investment, but the third
did nothing with the investment he was given, and his
employer was furious. Matthew 25:28 tells us the employer
ordered that the money be taken from the servant he called
‘lazy’ and given to the one who had the largest return on
his investment.
Blessings were subtracted
from the employee who had not used what his employer had
given. This is instruction for those of us living today who
have been given so much but do so little with it. Jesus
Christ said in verse 29 of this same chapter,
“To those who use well
what they are given, even more will be given, and they will
have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what
little they have will be taken away.”
There must be a
willingness on our parts to bless others with God’s
provision. Philippians 2:13(NLT) tells us,
“for it is God who
works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good
purpose.” It is His purpose that we are fulfilling, and
we experience the benefits of His blessings when our heart
is to do His Will. Our faith should be anchored in the
reality that we each have received something unique and
special. No one can do what we do, quite the way we do it.
If we will let love be our highest goal as 1Corinthians 14:1
tells us, we will not waste the talents, gift, and abilities
that God has given us, but we will use them to be the
blessing He has destined us to be.■
Scripture quotations
marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living
Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale
House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights
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