Sadness Turned to Joy
by Alexandra Copeland
A religious leader very revered by many told me once
that he didn’t believe satan existed. I found his confession
humorous considering the fierce challenges many true
believers in Christ endure. After hearing his statement, I
wasn’t surprised that he considered himself an expert
theologian. He had chosen to believe bits and pieces of the
bible but had relegated a great deal of it as erroneous or
irrelevant. I’m baffled to this day that any believer of
Jesus Christ would follow such a person’s leadership, but
many do. Tribulation is very real, and the devil, the prince
of darkness and god of this world, is the perpetrator of it.
Jesus told the disciples in John 16:33 that they would have
many tribulations and sorrows in the earth, but they should
be encouraged through those challenges, because HE has
overcome the world.
When Jesus Christ spoke
these words to the disciples, he was preparing them for what
was to come. It was going to be an unbelievably difficult
and heartbreaking time for them. They had walked and talked
with the God who created all that we survey. He communed
with them through the person of Jesus Christ and had taught
them the wisdom of His Word. He ate with them, laughed with
them, preserved and provided for them. They witnessed the
many miracles performed by his hands. They were direct
recipients of his devotion, compassion, and care; and here
Jesus was, telling them that in a short while, he would no
longer be with them.
None of us can know the
disciple’s sorrow completely, but we know the depth of
sorrow we often experience in our own lives, and it can be
overwhelming. It can also last far longer than we expect.
Sometimes, this sorrow is caused by the loss of someone
precious to us, and other times it is a situation that
undermines our confidence and catches us completely off
guard. It takes us into the wilderness where we sometimes
feel isolated and alone, where it seems that no one can
understand what we’re going through.
We will all have a
wilderness experience, and the enemy will often tempt and
test us even more as we’re going through it. Targeting our
weaknesses and vulnerabilities is his specialty, and he does
this to cause us to lose faith in God. Through the Apostle
Peter, God warned us not to let our guard down during trying
times. In 1Peter 5:8, He tells us to stay alert and watch
out for our enemy, the devil, because he prowls around like
a roaring lion that is looking for someone to devour. Piece
by piece, the enemy would like to pick us apart, but God has
equipped us with armor and commanded that we put on every
piece of it so that we stand strong against ALL strategies
of the devil.
In John 16:9, Jesus
Christ said that the world’s sin is that it refuses to
believe in him. To believe in him is to trust God’s Word and
know that Heavenly Father will never leave or forsake us.
Are tribulations difficult? You bet! There’s no victory
without a fight, and God tells us to fight the good fight of
faith, and to hold tightly to the eternal life that He’s
called us to.
God has equipped us with
the Spirit of love, power, and sound mind. Because of this,
we can always come out of the wilderness stronger in Christ
before we went in. In Romans 5:3-5, He tells us to rejoice
when we face trials and tribulations. Not because we’re
gluttons for punishment, but because they help us to develop
the endurance to run the race He’s set before us. Our hope
should be confidently placed in the joy of the Lord, and
this hope will not lead to disappointment, because God loves
us and has given us the gift of the Precious Holy Spirit to
fill our hearts with His love. We must remain grounded in
faith through Christ, and we will come out of any
tribulation with victory on our side. ■
Scripture quotations
marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living
Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale
House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights
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