How to Know If You're On the Right Track
“Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works.”James 2:26 (NLT)
by Alexandra Copeland
Many of us are
praying for a specific request that is very meaningful to
us. We’ve reached a place in our spiritual walk where we
realize that we need something more to feel good and
fulfilled. Whether it is a sweeter relationship with God
through the Lord Jesus Christ, a better relationship with
our spouse, greater financial abundance, or better health;
we recognize that there’s something missing in our
existences. In his letter to the church in Corinth, the
Apostle Paul wrote in Corinthians 3:5 (KJV),
“Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of
ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God.” The
longer we live, the more we realize that we are weak and
useless without Christ. We are not sufficient of ourselves,
so it is a glorious realization to know that Heavenly Father
is our sufficiency, and we can come to Him with any desire
on our hearts.
Many people operate by a principle of
wanting what they want, when they want it. They set out to
acquire a thing, and sometimes receiving it ends up being
disastrous for them. They end up on the wrong track, one
that leads them away from their call and purpose. This is
why it is important to receive a green light from Heavenly
Father before we proceed with anything. In 1Corinthians
14:40 (KJV), God tells us through the Apostle Paul,
“Let all things be
done decently and in order.” This is how God does
things. Everything that He does is done in decency and
order. This means that He blesses us at a time and place
that is optimum for His divine Will; and therefore, optimum
for us as well.
God considers all factors and details;
those that are impossible for us to see and know. He
considers the well-being of every person that will be
impacted and affected by the blessing we receive. We might
not think of it in those terms, but we know oh too well that
we have a tendency for being a little selfish from time to
time. Generally, we hardly ever think about the domino
effect of change that occurs when we take possession of
something greater or new. It always affects more people than
we will ever know.
To demonstrate this, examine the
promise God made to David in 1Kings 2:3-4 (NLT). David was
advising his young son, Solomon, who was next in line to be
king of the Children of Israel. He said “3Observe
the requirements of the LORD your God, and follow all his
ways. Keep the decrees, commands, regulations, and laws
written in the Law of Moses so that you will be successful
in all you do and wherever you go. 4 If you do this, then
the LORD will keep the promise he made to me. He told me,
‘If your descendants live as they should and follow me
faithfully with all their heart and soul, one of them will
always sit on the throne of Israel.’”
This is an example of the faithfulness
of God. It also demonstrates the enduring and positive
effect of obedience to God. If the Children of Israel
remained faithful to God’s decrees, commands, regulations,
and laws, He promised that they would be successful in all
their endeavors, and He would bless them wherever they went.
Talk about a domino effect; this is it! The obedience of the
present generation solidified the blessing of the future
generation if they remained obedient to God’s Word.
The positive benefit is clearly seen
here, but it can work equally the same on the negative side.
God is in the blessing business. He’s the One to do the
blessing. We’re on the receiving side of it. So, it’s
logical that there’s a right way to stay on the right track
to optimum results; and it is the way of faith.
It doesn’t matter what our
circumstances and conditions look like, when we pray for
something, as soon as we pray, it is on the way to us.
Begging and pining isn’t required, but our faith is
certainly a must. And not just our faith is required. James
2:26 (NLT) tells us,
“Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is
dead without good works.” This piece of yummy
deliciousness lets us know some very important information
about faith, wouldn’t you agree? The first is that the two
ingredients, faith and good works, go hand in hand. They are
both essential to move ourselves on a forward and upward
Faith is useless without something to
back it up, and that ‘something’ is good works. Many of us operate by focusing on one and
not the other, or we place too much emphasis on one and not
enough on the other. When this happens, life can feel a
little bit like a washing machine. We’re being tossed about
and stretched because our level of love has not yet expanded
to the level of the blessing we’ve prayed to receive.
This might also feel a bit like you’re
on the wrong track, or like the blessing you desire isn’t
going to come into fruition. The truth is that it needs a
little more baking time. God has heard your prayers. He
knows when to bless you, where to bless you, and how to
bless you. On this you can depend. Your number one
occupation should be to keep your believing on the right
track by backing your faith with good works.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the church in
Thessalonica, and in 1Thessalonicans 3:5 (NLT), he informed
them, “That is why,
when I could bear it no longer, I sent Timothy to find out
whether your faith was still strong. I was afraid that the
tempter had gotten the best of you and that our work had
been useless.” Paul let them know that our
faith will be tempted and tested by the devil. The enemy’s
aim is to get us discouraged and down-trodden in an effort
to keep us from carrying forth the good works of Jesus
Christ. This is how he keeps our faith from receiving the
fuel it needs.
When its backed with good works, the
engine of our faith will keep going and going and going;
until it achieves what we’ve willed it to manifest. On the
flip side, when negativity and doubt get in the way, and we
begin to have an attitude that runs counter to God’s love,
we will find ourselves in a lane of ungratefulness. It isn’t
that God is withholding our blessings. It is our refusal to
expand in every way according to the love of Jesus Christ.
All of us should build and increase our
expectations regarding God’s provisions and love, but we
must never take our eyes off of His desire that we also grow
spiritually, build our faith, and stretch forth in the work
that He has called us to do. When we keep our engines fueled
and incline our ears to Heavenly Father, He will make sure
that we stay on the right track. Just like the promise He
made to David, when we listen to His Words and obey, He will
cause us to be successful and bless us wherever we go.
Scripture quotations marked (NLT)
are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation,
copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House
Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights
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