Rejoice, Pray, and Give Thanks!
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NKJV)
by Alexandra Copeland
1Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NKJV) tells us, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” There are many Christians who believe that a person can never know God’s Will, but God’s Word IS His Will, and 1Thessalonians 5:16-18 very plainly lays it out for us. This verse is very simple and easy to understand, but we cannot make the mistake of dismissing the huge punch it packs on a spiritual level. God created us, and He designed all aspects of our beings to work in conjunction with His Word to produce for us a life that pleases Him and fulfills us on the deepest level as well. If we break this verse down, we’ll see this very simply.
1Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NKJV) tells us, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” There are many Christians who believe that a person can never know God’s Will, but God’s Word IS His Will, and 1Thessalonians 5:16-18 very plainly lays it out for us. This verse is very simple and easy to understand, but we cannot make the mistake of dismissing the huge punch it packs on a spiritual level. God created us, and He designed all aspects of our beings to work in conjunction with His Word to produce for us a life that pleases Him and fulfills us on the deepest level as well. If we break this verse down, we’ll see this very simply.
First, God tells us to rejoice always.
When you look at all the things that are happening in our
world today, rejoicing may seem a bit out of place, but this
is the commandment of the Lord. To rejoice is to delight in
something. It is a total game changer in terms of
temperament and attitude. God isn’t telling us to put on a
happy face 24/7; He’s not telling us to laugh when people
are hurting and when tragedy has taken place. He’s letting
us know that we can change our internal workings in such a
way that joy becomes the habit pattern rather than always
gravitating towards negative emotions. Sure, we can easily
choose to be bummed out by what we see taking place around
us, but there’s a price to pay for this. Buying into the
negative perpetuates it, and it keeps us from being our best
for God.
God also tells us in 1Thessalonians
5:17 to pray without ceasing. Again, the discipline here
isn’t to pray all day, every day, because none of us would
get very much done if that were the case. God is instructing
us to shift our focus so that our go-to response in all
seasons, in every instance, is prayer. If you see someone on
the side of the highway with car trouble, pray for them. If
you hear about someone in emotional distress, pray for them.
If you personally encounter a problematic situation in your
life, your first inclination should be to pray.
These are things that do not come
automatically. For many of us rejoicing and praying often
isn’t something we do nearly as much as we ought. If our
desire is to be in the Will of God, this has to change. We
don’t have to be fake and pretend to be happy when we’re
not. Some of us may feel that in order to put a good face
forward for the Kingdom, we have to smile on the outside
even though we feel sad on the inside. This violates our
integrity and others can tell when our joy isn’t real.
Way down deep is where our spirit and
soul reside. This is the place where our destinies are
formed. We live from the inside out, not the outside in.
It’s in that deep place of our cores that a transformation
from sadness to joy must take place. It’s in that deep place
that our hearts are changed as we desire more of God in our
Proverbs 4:23 (KJV) tells us,
“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of
life.” To keep is to guard and keep watch over. God
would not tell us to do this if it were not possible to
accomplish. He’s given us the responsibility to be diligent
about what goes into our hearts and what comes out of them.
So we do not have to be emotionally all over the place. We
can be stable. We can pull our feelings and emotions from an
internal reservoir that is well nourished and running over
with God’s good stuff.
To get to this place in our walks in
Christ, a place where we are genuinely expressing and
experiencing the joy of the Lord, He must be our focus 24/7.
This is absolutely available for us to do. We can spend our
every waking moment with the intention of pleasing God as
our goal. It doesn’t happen all of a sudden. We’ve spent
years concentrating our efforts on pleasing ourselves and
pleasing others. We have developed ways of thinking,
speaking, and behaving that are contrary to the purposes of
God. Our new birth reality presents us with a commitment and
privilege to relinquish the lordship of our lives over to
Jesus Christ. He becomes the head. We then follow his
direction and change course.
We should do this because this is God’s
heart. Heavenly Father knows what is best for us. He has a
purpose and a destiny for us all, and we should make it a
priority to attune our every effort to seeking Him first.
This is how we begin to find out what He has in store. This
is how His love becomes deeply embedded in our hearts; by
putting Him first in all that we do. Our way and the world’s
way will not cut it. We are spiritual beings made in the
image of our Heavenly Father. It is impossible to tap into
spiritual treasures using the accoutrement of the flesh. In
other words, we can’t get to where God desires us to be by
using the same old habits we used before the Lord came into
our lives.
The Apostle Paul tells us in Galatians
5:16(NLT), “So I say,
let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be
doing what your sinful nature craves.” The Spirit is
deep within. He knows who we are and he receives
instructions from Jesus Christ on how to guide us into the
very best situations and circumstances. Jesus Christ knows
our weaknesses. He knows those things that keep us from
focusing on God. He knows the fear and doubt that keeps our
blessings at bay; and he knows what it will take for us to
transform into the people we need to be.
God warned us in Romans 12:2 that we
should not be conformed to this world. He tells us to put
off those old dead ways and to be transformed by renewing
our minds to the example of Christ! You and I have a
responsibility to stop reacting to what the world is doing.
We need to resist all the distractions that the enemy
concocts in order to steal our focus away from God. Instead
of reacting to this or that in ways that communicate fear
and doubt, God has commanded us to build habit patterns that
respond to His goodness with the praise, glory, and honor
that He deserves. This is part of what 1Thessalonians
5:16-18 is communicating to us.
The final clause in God’s command is to
give thanks always. This is more than the icing on the cake
or the cherry on top. I would argue that it is probably the
most impactful in terms of our spiritual elevations and
promotions in Christ. Ingratitude is not only a blessing
blocker, it is such an offense to the goodness of God. It is
a mindset that refuses to acknowledge what He has done in
us, and for us, through our blessed and powerful Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ.
Thankfulness is spun from a deep well
of gratitude. A heart that is filled with thankfulness
anchors our prayer lives and helps us to draw near to
Heavenly Father. It keeps us plugged into the reality of all
that God has done and is doing to keep us alive and thriving
in this earthly realm. All it would take is one small
unraveling thread, and the fabric that represents all the
different aspects of our existences would come apart so
easily. God is the glue. He holds our todays, tomorrows, and
our futures. We owe everything to Him. There must be an
awareness of this continually; so much so that everything we
do should be engulfed in thankfulness to Heavenly Father.
1Thessalonians 5:16-18 teaches us that
there must be an attitude switch, frequent spiritual
communication, and a response of unending gratitude in order
to move ourselves into the Will of God for our lives.
Committing to these produce a change in us at the very core
of our beings. It also positions us for wonderful
opportunities to not only receive a blessing, but to be a
blessing to others. This is God’s Will for our lives, and it
is the greatest privilege to walk it out each and every day.
Scripture taken from the New King
James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used
by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked (NLT)
are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation,
copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House
Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights
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