"Living At A Greater Level of Abundance…What It Takes - PART 2
"Wake up! Strengthen what little remains, for even what is left is almost dead. I find that your actions do not meet the requirements of my God.” Revelations 3:2
Part 2: The Practical Side
There’s a new buzz word in Christian vernacular and
it’s called
“activation”. There is no question that God is stirring
things up in our spirits these days, and many Christians are
taking advantage of it. No longer are we sitting by the side
lines with our hands tucked beneath our bottoms. No sir!
We’re meeting the dawn of each day with a sense of urgency
and expectation. We know that there’s more and we’re not
depending on any person to give it to us. We’re going
directly to the Source, and this is what He intended us to
do all along, for Jesus Christ said in John 14:14,
“If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”
This is particularly good news for us, especially when it
comes to the spiritual realm.
There’s a new breed of dynamic Christian teachers coming on the scene, and they are far more willing to breach their comfort zones than many of us have ever been. God has appointed them for such a time as this, and they’re leading swarms of people into activating the gifts we’ve all received through the indwelling Holy Spirit. Folks are stirring up the gift and doing some amazing works in the name of our Lord. It’s an exciting time to be alive, and if you don’t feel this way, don’t underestimate the need to switch gears and make a few changes in your life. God has not left you out of the equation, quite the contrary. He’s waiting on you to muster up the gumption to step out of business as usual and embrace the extraordinary plan that He has for your life.
There’s a new breed of dynamic Christian teachers coming on the scene, and they are far more willing to breach their comfort zones than many of us have ever been. God has appointed them for such a time as this, and they’re leading swarms of people into activating the gifts we’ve all received through the indwelling Holy Spirit. Folks are stirring up the gift and doing some amazing works in the name of our Lord. It’s an exciting time to be alive, and if you don’t feel this way, don’t underestimate the need to switch gears and make a few changes in your life. God has not left you out of the equation, quite the contrary. He’s waiting on you to muster up the gumption to step out of business as usual and embrace the extraordinary plan that He has for your life.
Stepping into the extraordinary is for many of us a
progression that begins with baby steps. Some people have a
habit of procrastination, others have a fear of failure, and
there are those that are just plain shy; they have to test
the waters several times before they actually believe that
God has empowered them to jump in and become an agent for
change. No matter how you slice it, each of us has a unique
and specialized purpose within the plan and will of God, and
at some point in our lives, we’ll hopefully wake up and get
to it.
Many of us don’t wake up until one day, when we’re
going on about our everyday business, and baam! Something
hits us smack in the face. A lot of us will have this kind
of experience when we’ve allowed ourselves to ingest a good
deal of God’s Word, but we’ve not emptied ourselves of it so
that we can be filled with even greater revelation and
understanding. Extending the Word of God to others is the
practical application of not just living an abundant life,
but to fulfilling our responsibilities to God through
Christ, our Lord.
This Christian walk is one of action. It’s not
stagnant by any stretch of the imagination. So when we get a
little stale and stop paying attention to our own spiritual
development, sometimes a situation occurs that seems to turn
our whole world topsy turvy—and we might think that God is
punishing us, or that we’re destined to be the devil’s
punching bag. Not so. Sometimes we ignore the call to move
up the spiritual ladder. We let other things take priority
when we should be spending more time in God’s Word and
increasing our prayer life. The danger in putting our
spiritual growth on the back-burner is that we won’t be able
to hear the voice of God as clearly as we need to.
Revelation 3:2 encourages us to
“Wake up! Strengthen
what little remains, for even what is left is almost dead. I
find that your actions do not meet the requirements of my
God.” It’s so important that we pay attention to what
is happening in the spirit. Sometimes this slips by us
because we don’t always think of ourselves as being
effective, important pieces of God’s Master Plan. We keep on
moseying down the road at a snail’s pace and become very
comfortable with business as usual; but we have to remember
that Jesus Christ is the most prolific and dynamic
individual that ever lived; and He’s our example. The truth
of it is that we are all called to make a difference. We are
ambassadors for Christ and we’re charged by God with the
responsibility of carrying forth the ministry of
reconciliation. This isn’t just for pastors, preachers, and
teachers; it’s an obligation that belongs to all of us who
are born again and have become new creatures in Christ.
We’re in partnership with God to get some stuff done
in the earth. He has no hands but our hands, no feet but our
feet. It’s a privilege to be called according to His
purposes, and those whom He has called, He has also
qualified. This means that through our precious and powerful
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, God has instilled within you
everything that is required to seal the deal. You’re
equipped through Christ to walk in love, and to leave an
indelible mark of God’s goodness on everyone that you meet.
It should be no surprise to you that abundance is a
trademark of spiritual maturity. The more of the Word that
you put on in your mind and heart, the more abundance you’ll
have in every aspect of your life. Your relationships will
be fulfilling, your work…rewarding, your finances will
increase, and your walk with God will be so tight that even
a piece of paper can’t come between you. This isn’t
fairytale stuff. It’s the kind of life that God wants for
you and has made it clear in His Word that you can have.
The nature of abundance is to teach us the principles
of expansion and increase—to demonstrate to us that as we
share with others, it’s a gift that keeps on giving. This is
the very essence of love, isn’t it? Because love never
fails, and the most poignant demonstration of love can be
found in our giving and sharing. Luke 6:38 (NLT) tells us,
“Give, and you will
receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down,
shaken together to make room for more, running over, and
poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the
amount you get back.” This verse gives us one of the
best snapshots of the principles of abundance. There’s no
guesswork involved here, giving is the key.
Some of us are really down in the dumps, and we may
think of ourselves as not having much to give. Granted that
when you look at where you are, and then you look at where
God wants you to go, it may seem a little daunting, but ask
yourself, are you really using your talents for the
spiritual benefit of others? A dear friend said to me once,
“I don’t have any
talents to speak of. I don’t have much to offer.” I was
surprised that she felt this way, because she had left home
at a very early age, and had managed to carve out quite a
nice life for herself. She has more talent that she can use
in a lifetime, we all do; we have plenty to offer or else we
would not have made it this far.
The truth is that we underestimate what we can do and
the impact that we are destined to make. 1 Peter 2:9 (MSG)
tells us, “But
you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling
of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s
instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell
others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from
nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.” So
maybe we’re not
eloquent speakers, singers, or entertainers, but we can sure
open up our mouths and tell others about the difference
Christ has made in our lives.
And guess what? As you take even the smallest step to
anchor yourself in what God has called you to do, He’ll
reward you. Soon, you’ll come to realize more and more that
it’s not your power, but His. It’s not your strength, but
His strength. He’s doing all the work, as your gratitude for
the magnificence of His extraordinary gifts increases. He’ll
never fail us as we lean on Him and walk out in the
confidence from knowing that He loves us, and He cares about
every detail of our lives.
God really wants us to understand the connection
between our own level of abundance and our willingness to
share what has been so freely given to us. Our lives are
packed to capacity with opportunities to be a blessing, and
if we’ll be diligent and committed to increasing our prayer
time and the amount of time we spend with God and His Word,
our spiritual eyes will be open. Our spiritual ears will
perk up every time we get near a person or situation that
has been strategically positioned for us to be a blessing,
and to receive one. ■
Scripture quotations are from the
Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001, 2007
by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used
by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked (NLT)
are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation,
copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House
Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights
Scripture taken from the New King
James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used
by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture taken from The Message.
Copyright ©1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by
permission of NavPress Publishing Group.
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