God Always Knows Best


In the Old Testament of the Bible, Saul was appointed to be king over the Children of Israel. They saw that all the other countries had kings, and they wanted one to rule over them. During the period that Saul remained diligent to follow God’s commands, he and the people of Israel enjoyed great victories and abundance, but like so many individuals with great power, Saul became arrogant. He began to think his judgment was higher than God’s judgment, and ultimately, this led to his horrible death, but before he died, God decreed him to be dethroned. Samuel was God’s prophet during this time, and it was him that God had initially sent to anoint Saul as king. Samuel loved Saul very much, but God had rejected him as king because of his disobedience, and the prophet was deeply saddened by this. Heavenly Father wanted a new leader for His people, one that would be obedient to His commands. Therefore, Samuel had to snap out of his mourning over God’s decision. It was time to choose the next king, but Samuel had someone in mind that was completely different than God’s choice.

God said in Isaiah 55:9(NLT) says, “For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” There isn’t a human being in existence capable of manufacturing an instrument that can reach the third heaven where the throne of God resides. It is millions of miles away, so far that our minds are incapable of measuring the distance. In Isaiah 55:9, our Heavenly Father is giving us just an inkling of how vastly higher His intellect is than ours. We don’t have a mind that thinks as intelligently as His mind, but in His extraordinary generosity, God allows us to know His thoughts. And not only this, He gives us the opportunity to align our thoughts with His.

God knows best, and this cannot be denied or refuted, as hard as some of us might try. Romans 8:28(NLT) declares, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Our all-powerful God is a God of order. He doesn’t make up things as He goes along. He has a plan for the entire universe, and we are a part of it. Through His love, He’s given us a purpose in His plan, and He’s given us an inheritance through Jesus Christ. 1Peter 1:19-20 tells us that He planned this even before He founded the world. God didn’t just want a certain group of people to be in His family, He wanted everyone that would believe in Him and honor Him through Jesus Christ to be His children. This is what His plan is all about. Ephesians 3:6(NLT) tells us “And this is God’s plan: Both Gentiles and Jews who believe the Good News share equally in the riches inherited by God’s children. Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise of blessings because they belong to Christ Jesus.” Our magnificent, powerful, and loving God has made room for us at His table, and the very least we can do is trust His plan for our lives.

Heavenly Father understood that Samuel had his own opinion about who would be best to lead the people, but Samuel’s opinion couldn’t possibly consider all the details. God sees everything. He knows the future, and He knows all there is to know about each of us. We often pray for God to give us His blessings, but we also want Him to bless us according to our own timing and agendas. We don’t consider our level of spiritual maturity to handle what we’ve prayed to receive, and we don’t think about all the ways in which the blessing will change our lives and possibly change us. God knows all this, and He is in control.

The reality is that Samuel may have had his own opinions, but he listened to the One who has the Divine Plan. He understood that God is the One making the decisions, and everyone else has the privilege of sticking to God’s agenda. When we put God’s plan first, all the details come together harmoniously, and everyone involved is blessed.

God chose someone to be king that Samuel in all likelihood would have overlooked. In 1Samuel 16:7(NLT), Heavenly Father told Samuel,Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” God was looking at the inner qualities and Samuel was concerned with the outer qualities. Samuel didn’t see the whole picture, and he knew that God did. He was diligent to follow God’s wisdom, because the prophet understood that God always knows best.

This is truly a timeless lesson in spiritual maturity. We must be humble before God’s wisdom, timing, and His plan for our lives. Jesus Christ teaches us in Matthew 6:33 that we must seek the Kingdom of God above everything else and seek to live according to His righteousness; when we do this, God promises to supply all our needs. As believers, we must develop a practice of always consulting God in prayer and asking for His divine guidance. If we are patient and attentive to His Voice, He will lead and direct our paths. Heavenly Father knows what is best for us, and He will show us what is best so we can align our faith with His plan and receive His rewards. ■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“God Always Knows Best”, written for Christian Encouragement and Inspiration© 2021. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. 


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